Thursday, April 9, 2009

My sweet baby girl turns 1!

Yesterday, 4/8/09, was a big day for our family as Kailee turned 1. While I had been looking forward to the day there was also a big part of me that didn't want the day to come until several more months down the road. I just want her to stay tiny and be my little baby forever. She has such a sweet disposition to her that I (and everybody) love.

Bob and I picked her up from daycare early and we headed to Walmart. Kailee and Daddy had been at Walmart earlier in the week and he said she really liked one of the animated Elmo's. To our surprise she wasn't excited about it anymore. Long story short, what she was most thrilled about was a $3.00 pink rubber ball. She's quite simple to please.

We ended the evening with dinner at home with Brendon, Chris and Eddie. Bob grilled some short ribs and we had red rice, salad, carrots and avocado and delicious Hawaiian sweet bread (thank you Chris!). Dessert was lemon meringue pie (thank you Eddie!) and lemon cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Kailee thoroughly enjoyed her cupcake and we all sang "Happy Birthday" to her. Chris brought her the cutest pink Kawasaki 4-wheeler. She's already mastered the buttons for different sounds. I'm glad our great friends were able to celebrate with us.

So until her next birthday, I will continue to cherish her days as my sweet little baby girl. ♥

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